Paper Cups Can Be Recycled
Paper cups can be recycled, and a number of leading cities are successfully recovering paper cups in their residential recycling programs. Some examples are New York City, Seattle, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Chattanooga, Louisville, Denver, Atlanta, Detroit, and Madison.
The Paper Cup Alliance is working to increase paper cup recycling in the US.
All recycling depends on end markets for the materials and paper cups are no exception. Paper cups are made from fiber that is a desirable material for paper recycling mills. However, not all mills are able to separate the plastic coating found on cups that is used to prevent liquid from leaking out or soaking through the paper. The good news is that a growing number of mills can accept and process poly-coated cups when included in existing bales such as Sorted Office Paper (SOP), Residential Mixed Paper (RMP) and Cartons (Grade 52). Recently, a group of eight prominent mill companies signed a joint declaration of acceptance and a commitment to increasing recycling of paper cups. A list of these mills can be found below in the Resources section. The Paper Cup Alliance is actively engaged with other mills to determine if they can successfully process cups.
Read more Q&A from AF&PA on the recyclability of paper cups here.

Want to Recycle Paper Cups?
Check with your local recycling program. If paper cups are accepted, be sure your cup is empty before placing in your recycling bin or cart.
Check with your MRF to find out if they will accept paper cups. You may discover that you can easily add them to your program. Be sure to educate your residents if you add them to your program. A best practice is to include images of clean paper cups without lids, straws or liquid. See below for graphics and other communications resources.
Check with your end market(s) to see if the mills can accept paper cups in their bales. Looking for an end market? Check out our resources section below.
If you are considering accepting bales with paper cups, see below for a list of frequently asked questions. Click here for more information or assistance with sourcing material for testing in your mill.

Op-Ed Paper Cup Recycling: A Growing Opportunity for Local Programs
2024 Webinar Recycling Pizza Boxes, Paper Cups, and Other Paper-Based Takeout Containers
2018 Webinar Residue to Recovery: Increasing Recycling Opportunities for Foodservice Packaging
2015 Webinar To Throw or Not to Throw In: Paper Cup Recycling

About the Paper Cup Alliance
In 2018, the Paper Cup Alliance (PCA) was founded to accelerate the adoption of paper cup recycling in the U.S. The PCA supports a market-based approach, aligning supply chain partners, promoting development of the processing infrastructure, development of end markets for recycled materials, and educating and engaging stakeholders to increase recovery. To learn more, please contact recycleFSP@fpi.org.